About Us

About Us

Lifetree Environmental Pty Ltd provides lab-based asbestos testing to home owners/buyers/sellers, renovators, asbestos removal companies and environmental consultants among others. We are based in Perth in Western Australia, but offer our experience and expertise to individuals and organizations from all over the country, helping them to determine the presence of asbestos and increase their safety. Committed to the safety of our clients, our testing processes are known for their stringent quality control and have helped us to establish Lifetree as one of the fastest growing asbestos testing services in Perth.


Steven C Y Tan is the Managing Director of Lifetree Environmental Pty Ltd. He is a highly competent and experienced technical & quality manager. His outstanding technical and analytical skills have helped him establish Lifetree Environmental and oversee all internal and external processes. Having worked previously as an Asbestos Consultant, Technical & Quality Manager, Project Manager and Surveyor/Analyst, Steven has over 10 years of experience in asbestos projects. Listed below are highlights of special achievements throughout his career:
If you are concerned about the possible effect of asbestos exposure on your health, we strongly recommend that you request testing by our laboratory. Our experts can allay or confirm your fears, so that you can immediately take the right steps to ensuring your safety. Contact us to request a test today.
House Owners/Buyers /Sellers
Office or Residential Space Renovators